The Art Of Palming

The Art Of Palming

There are various steps and procedures one can take to help improve eyesight. Poor eyesight is condition caused by our own bad habits of ignoring the needs of our eyes. The eyes are a delicate, important organ in the body and they need just as much care as the other organs.

Palming is a way to help the eyes relax, naturally. Eyes are in constant motion, even when we are sleeping, the eyes are moving around. It̢۪s not possible to completely stop the eyes from moving because they need to stay lubricated. However, we can slow down their motion and help them relax.

In order to relax the eyes, you must first relax your mind. If your mind is running away with its thoughts, your eyes will strain to keep up. Palming helps relax the mind and the eyes all at the same time. The procedure is simple and takes less than 20 minutes, but you can do it for however long you need to.

The first step is to rub your hands together to get them nice and warm. Next, place one palm over each eye. Be sure to cup the palms so they are never directly touching the eyes or putting pressure on the eyelids. Your elbows should be resting on a hard surface, like a table or your knees.

The next step is to relax, fully relax. With your eyes closed beneath your palms, feel the muscles in your body start to relax. Start from the top of your head and slowly move down to your toes, feeling each muscle in between start to relax. The more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness your eyes see will be. At first, you may see a grayish color but as you relax that gray will become a darker and darker shade of black. The deeper the blackness, the more relax your eyes are.

You want to clear your mind of all thoughts. Forget all the lists and things that need to get done and focus solely on the darkness. If it helps, you can picture pleasant things like flowers blossoming or the waves of the ocean. Try to stay in this relaxed stage for at least 15 minutes.

Once you open your eyes again, things will be more focused. Colors, shapes, and lines will be more defined and your overall vision will be clearer.

Better Vision Without Glasses ( Click Here For More Information )


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