The Bodybuilding Benefit of Whey Protein

Whey protein has an incredible number of benefits, and it seems that current research just keeps finding more and more benefits, but fails to find any negative aspect of whey protein, which was once a waste product in the production of cheese. But what is the bodybuilding benefit of whey protein?
As you probably know, bodybuilders need a great deal of protein. In fact, bodybuilders generally take in twice the daily recommended allowance of protein. Most bodybuilders consume 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight, each and every day. But not just any protein will do when you are serious about bodybuilding.
Most serious bodybuilders will choose whey protein. Furthermore, they will choose the more expensive whey protein isolate, over the whey protein concentrate, to get a purer form of the whey protein, with less fat and lactose. There are scientific reasons why whey protein is preferred over all other protein sources for bodybuilders.
Whey protein is a complete protein, which means that it contains all of the essential and non-essential amino acids that the human body needs. It contains the right combination of amino acids that are needed by bodybuilders, which help the body composition, and serve to enhance physical performance. If that benefit of whey protein isn't enough, it just gets better from there.
Whey protein also has branched chain amino acids, or BCAAs. In fact, it has the highest levels of BCAAs than any other food source. BCAAs are extremely important to bodybuilders, because they metabolize in the muscle tissue. In fact, when you are working out, these BCAAs are the first amino acids that your body will use - directly in the muscles. These BCAAs are essential in the repair of muscle tissue, and in rebuilding muscle tissue. But, the benefit of whey protein for bodybuilders continues from there.
Whey protein is considered to be a fast protein. It is easy to ingest and digest, and it is quickly absorbed by the body. In turn, it provides fast nourishment for the muscles. It is also a great source of leucine. Leucine is also essential for bodybuilders, because it plays a role in muscle protein synthesis and the growth of muscles.
If all of these benefits of whey protein weren't enough, the list keeps growing. Whey protein boosts the immune system, by providing the body with higher levels of glutathione. This is a natural anti-oxidant which is present in the body; however exercise reduces the amount that is present. Whey protein serves to keep the level of glutathione, at the very least normal, if not higher than normal.
Then of course, there are the non-bodybuilding benefits of whey protein. These include easier weight management, diabetic control, nourishment for cancer patients, reduced chance of breast cancer, wound care, cardiovascular health, and a slow down of the aging process in muscles and bones. As you can see, the benefit of whey protein for bodybuilders is astounding. The benefit for everyone, however, is also astounding.

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