Diet Pills: Weight Loss or Cash Lost?

Weight loss is a such a big issue among women all over the world today. Blame it on the close-to-skeletal look that models and celebrities parade on TV, magazines, the Internet, and in those gigantic billboards. Surrounded by celebrities that were already anointed and crowned by media as "Women with the Perfect Figure," it is no wonder that ordinary women who look up to these "icons" of female beauty are caught up in the image that is projected and marketed almost on a daily basis. It is as if the brains of ordinary women were programmed to think that being thin is the "in thing." Due to the marketing and advertising blitz, these women have been indoctrinated to desperately seek out the thousand and one ways to shed those "flabbies." Many women have become so crazy about losing weight that they will stop at nothing just to achieve the skinny look that have been idealized by their respective celebrity idols.
As any weight watcher would tell you, losing weight is not an easy task unless you have magical powers like Wonder Woman. To the relief of millions of women, there are numerous popular diet pills that are readily available in the market. It is just so easy to grab one. But are these diet pills really as effective and safe, as advertised?
At present, there are two kinds of diet pills: weight loss supplements and weight loss medications. Weight loss medications are pills that are only prescribed by certified physicians. Weight loss supplements on the other hand are the popular diet pills which are available over the counter (OTC). Diet pills that range from slimming tea to herbal medicines and promises instant weight loss.
Xenical, Didrex and Ionamin are some of the best selling diet pills in the market today, and many more are coming. There's even a new weight lo ss pill which will be out next year that based on clinical trials, and according to scientists. the drug looks promising for weight loss fanatics. The drug is called "rimonabant", which will be released in the market under the brand name Acomplia. According to research, the said drug will help the user to control food intake.
Problems may surely arise once you start taking diet pills without your physician's go signal. If you are one who believes and wants to try weight loss supplements, make sure you know all the facts before taking them. Apparently, some women used these so-called miracle cures even if they knew that these drugs had uncomfortable side effects. Somehow, their desperation and drive to achieve the thin, supermodel look was strong enough to rule them and, eventually, allowed them to ignore the side effects and other potential harm that may arise by using these so-called miracle slimming medications.
Even some of the popular, over-the-counter diet pills th at are easily accessible are not necessarily safe to use. Most of these easy-to-access pills do not contain enough information on the packaging. Moreover, some of these products fail to provide facts on how the product can supposedly help you lose weight. This overpowering desire to lose weight can actually lead to possible health risks, and worse, even death.
There have been reports of sleeping problems, gastrointestinal bleeding and skin reactions from people who have tried OTC diet pills. It is common knowledge that there are prominent personalities who became victims of unprescribed medications and suffered harsh consequences.
If you are still itching to try diet pills, there are is certainly a lot to choose from. But have you ever noticed that some of these pills have specifically noted on their packagings that the product is only effective when combined with exercise and healthy diet? Without realizing it, you eat less and exercise more, thus you really lose those unwanted pounds. More often than not, these pills are really expensive. And it should not surprise you to find out that after using these products, you've actually lost more money than weight!
Doctors will agree that a lifestyle change, regular exercise, and healthy eating is still the best health and body slimming regimen. So, the next time you think about popping those pills, remember this:
Not all products advertised as the "best weight loss pill" is actually best for your health. Achieving high standards of beauty is, to some, worth the months of starvation, constant exercise, and thousands of dollars spent on diet pills. But is it really worth it?
Maybe it is high time for women to realize that beauty is not always what can be seen by the naked eye. And that having a body worthy of an FHM or Cosmopolitan cover may not always be a woman's best asset.

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