Fat Loss And Weight Loss-Do They Mean It?

Health is the wealth. Due to development in the field of science, we have simplified our day-to-day work with the help of machines. The victim here is our health. Energy spent is less as we can do strenuous tasks by just pressing the button. But we never tried to reduce the intake. This results in excess energy intake. This excess energy is stored in the body in the form of fat. Hence our weight increases so also the susceptibility to various life threatening ailments. If you want remain healthy and live longer fat loss [weight loss] is the only remedy.
Our body is composed of water, muscle, bone and other organs. Besides this fat is the other important component of the body. The body fat can be classified as fat that is essential and fat that is for storage. Essential fat as the name suggests is most important component of the body and these fats can be seen in muscles, central nervous system, bone marrow and other organs like liver and kidney.
The excess energy intake is converted in to fat and stored in the body as storage fat. Storage fats can be seen under the skin, in the muscle and in specific areas of the body. It is not bad to have some quantity of storage fat in the body. The storage fat functions like insulator [conserves the body temperature], and serves as a source of energy at the time of the poor intake. We must lose this excess fat. This kind of fat loss is must for the healthy normal functioning of the body as we discussed already. While trying for fat loss we should keep in mind that neither too much fat nor too little fat is healthy.
Many people who want to reduce their weight may think why should we know about the body fat? And why should we calculate the body fat? The reason for measuring the body fat is that it is the realistic measurement of fitness of our body. Fat loss is nothing but weight loss. Body mass index is an indicator of the health and fitness of the body. The big disadvantage of the body mass index is that it may conclude that you are overweight. But your body fat may be normal. When the body fat is normal, your health is perfect though you are overweight. Hence body fat calculation is the best method to assess your fitness.
Like the quantity of the fat, the distribution of the fat is also important factor in determining the fitness of the body. Extra fat stored in the hip region is more harm full than the fat stored in buttocks and thighs. Hence fat loss from the hip region is highly preferable. In most cases if the person loses weight by following a perfect, safe, risk free weight loss or fat loss program, he will lose only body fat not the muscle. At times along with fat loss, some quantity of the muscle also will be lost. However the fat loss will be much more than the muscle loss, which is highly desirable. Some people due urgency and ignorance may follow bad diet and wrong diet pills to reduce weight. Those people will be losing body water instead of body fat. As the result there will not be any fat loss, which is of no use as far as the health and fitness of the person concerned.

Watch This Amazing Videos To Learn How To Lose Weight Fast

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